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Oct 01, 2022, Ontario’s latest energy subsidy introduction: Attic Insulation, Basement Wall Insulation, Furnace, Tankless Water Heater… | Toronto

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Canada is a significant energy consumer, and Ontario is one of the most energy-intensive provinces in Canada. To help save energy, Enbridge, the only gas company in Ontario, has also launched a series of subsidies for home upgrades. The grants cover attic Insulation, basement wall insulation, furnaces, air sealing, tankless water heaters, and many other items. Remember to bookmark or save this article after upgrading your home.

October 01, 2022, Ontario’s latest energy subsidy program.

If you are a customer in the Old Union Gas area, you can receive an additional $800 subsidy.

Older Union Gas areas include: (covers $800 extra subsidy)

  • Oakville
  • Burlington
  • Milton
  • Guelph
  • Cambridge
  • Hamilton
  • Windsor and other surrounding areas

Specific subsidy programs for customers in the Old Union Gas area are as follows:

Attic Insulation ——————–$2,250

Attic Insulation + Furnace ——————–$2,650

Attic Insulation + Tankless Water Heater ——————–$2,800

Attic Insulation + Furnace + Tankless Water Heater ——————–$3,400

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Other areas: (covers base allowance)

  • York
  • Peel
  • Durham
  • Falls
  • Barrie
  • Windsor and other surrounding areas

Specific subsidy items for customers in other areas are as follows:

Attic Insulation ——————–$1,450

Attic Insulation + Furnace ——————–$1,850

Attic Insulation + Tankless Water Heater ——————–$2,000

Attic Insulation + Furnace + Tankless Water Heater ——————–$2,600

Ontario energy subsidy 2022—Energy Subsidy Process:

  1. Contact Mas Air Home Comfort to schedule an appointment for a free quote, subsidy estimates, and service details provided by our company.
  2. Based on your needs and the condition of your home, we will provide you with a proposal that includes all relevant items and subsidy amounts.
  3. After the agreement is reached, a contract is signed to protect both parties and confirm the specific items to be installed and upgraded.
  4. A second assessment is booked within 120 days of the first assessment to complete the process. This is also the time when the subsidy check arrives.
  5. You will receive your subsidy check within 12 weeks of completion.
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Subsidy Notes.:

  1. The first assessment must begin on October 01, 2022
  2. Construction and second assessment must be completed by November 30, 2022
  3. Non-Old Union Gas area customers will not receive the additional $800 subsidy but the total amount of the energy subsidy itself.

In addition to the Ontario energy subsidy, the federal government also has a series of energy subsidies; please refer to the “2022 Latest Energy Subsidy” page for specific subsidy policies.

Free consultation on Ontario energy subsidies

Mas Air Home Comfort has long been the number one choice for commercial and residential homes, heating and cooling projects, and home insulation in Greater Toronto and surrounding areas. We are committed to providing our customers with energy-efficient home heating and cooling projects while providing you and your family with the healthiest, most comfortable, and safest living experience possible all year round. Our HVAC and home insulation specialists offer all types of services, including furnaces, air conditioners, home insulation, water heaters, emergency repairs, and more. With our professionally certified and experienced service staff, we ensure you the best possible service available.

We are committed to providing the highest quality equipment, installation, and construction services at the most competitive prices in the market. Our technicians adhere to strict hygiene requirements, and all equipment and personnel are disinfected, gloved, masked, and fully vaccinated to comply with Covid-19.

We are committed to providing the highest quality equipment and installation services at the best possible price. Our technicians adhere to strict hygiene requirements, and all equipment is disinfected.

Contact us at.

Tel: 1-855-795-1199

Email: [email protected]

Address: 6730 Davand Dr, Unit 8, Mississauga, ON L5T 2K8, Canada


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